Monday, October 04, 2010

Ali's Peanut butter cookies

Four large (tablespoons) sugar. Brown gives a richer flavour.
Four large (tablespoons) fat. Butter, again, will give a richer flavour. Add to sugar and cream them together.
Add small(dessert spoon) peanut butter
Add seven large (tablespoons) self raising flour. Mix to dough. If too sticky add flour if too dry add water (or orange juice) if feeling luxurious add chop chips at this stage
Place walnut sized balls on greasproof paper or silicone sheets and flatten into rounds
Dip hands in flour to stop it sticking too much
Bake for 10-14 minutes at 180

if stuck together seperate with a knife then leave on tray for 5 mins then transfer to rack to cool


To see Nate and I making these go here
2010-09-28 - making peanut butter cookies

2010-09-28 - making peanut butter cookies

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